Dental Nurses page
Dental nurses can be employed on either experience or qualifications (usually on a certificate level) depending on the required job. A new entrant to the profession will need to demonstrate several skills, which can be partially acquired elsewhere outside the healthcare arena.
*Personal characteristics: friendly, teamwork oriented, responsible with a professional attitude.
*Work experience: any previous reception, clerical and, customer service experience where a face to face dealing with the public is required, Knowledge of the dental terminology used in the General Dentistry will usually come with experience and/or qualifications.
*Qualifications: depending on the country and the need for dental nurses at the time of applicatioN. STAFF AT ROYAL BOLTON HOSPITAL,UNITED KINGDOM--->
Training in the UK
Assuming you can work in the UK (British, European, Foreign Trainee or Settles status-check our 'Related links Page') here are your options to work in Dentistry.
*Work Experience (as a dental nurse) *Qualified dental nurse: to further a career in dental nursing (or to work for the local Hospital) a degree may be needed; the objective of the study is to acquire satisfactory skills and demonstrate competence in a variety of dental office procedures and laboratory techniques. in the UK, applicants have to have at least one year's experience as a dental surgery nurse and currently employed in that position before they can do the basic National Certificate Exam (awarded by the NEBDSN- National Examining Board for Dental Surgery Nurses) and studied for at the collage level, Assessment based on 2-hour written paper, a 1-hour oral examination and 1-hour of practical tests covering all the basic dental disciplines This Certificate is the standard qualification for workers in this field, to continue for further studies; there is a BTEC-National Certificate in Oral healthcare Promotion or, various administration qualifications.
British Association of Dental Nurses: 11 Pharos Street Fleetwood FY7 6BG Tel: (01253) 778631
Fax: (01253) 773266
e-mail: admin@badn.org.uk
National Examining Board For Dental Nurses
National Certificate Examination
Contact: Mrs J W Lavery, 110 London Street, Fleetwood,
Lancashire, FY7 6EU
Tel: 01253 778417 Fax: 01253 777268
*Dental assistants & Hygienists have to have an approved qualifications (British/European), to be able to register with the GDC before they can practice in the UK.
Training & Work in the USA
Assuming you can work in the USA (US Citizen, Foreign Trainee or, Settled status), you have several options:
*Work Experience (as a dental nurse)
*Registered Dental Assistants (RDA) training consists of classroom, clinical, and lab instruction with an externship program, covering all areas of professional development (spelling, terminology, theory, and performance skills). The daytime program is 34 weeks,-evening program is 46 weeks. Graduates with a certificate of completion are eligible to sit for the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) certification examination and the Local State Dental Radiology exam.
*Health Claims Examiners are responsible for determining eligibility as well as claims adjudication (payment of claims).